Our Site

Litzsinger Road Ecology Center has 39 acres to explore. Restored ecosystems at the site provide opportunities for investigating native Missouri habitats and as well as restoration techniques.

  • Our approximately 12 acres of restored tallgrass prairie support education and research related to prairie ecosystems, native plant life cycles, and restoration.
  • Our woodlands areas support investigations of woodland ecosystems and invasive species management.
  • Deer Creek, part of which runs through the site, is a major drainage way for St. Louis County, conveying water from a 23,500 acre watershed into the River des Peres which in turn flows into the Mississippi River. This urban creek creates opportunities to study watersheds, stream dynamics, water quality, and riparian corridor restoration.
  • Our rain garden and pond area demonstrates how native plants can be used to better manage stormwater runoff while providing habitat for native animals.

Aerial map of LREC